Body Thread lift

As we age, a loss of collagen and elastin in our skin can lead to sagging tissues and less toned body areas. Dr.Hany is of the very few doctors specialized in Body Thread lifting. A revolutionary treatment to tackle prominent signs of sagginess. Without any surgery, many body areas can be treated with lifting Threads: Arms, inner & outer thighs, abdomen, décolleté, & the knees. Furthermore, Dr Hany was able to achieve mind blowing results in non surgical Breast-lifts & Butt-lifts using lifting threads, sparing many people hassle of invasive surgeries. Another Signature treatment with threads is Dr Hany’s Tummy tuck. Impressive tummy tightening for women after delivery, as well as patients after massive weight loss (i.e following a bariatric surgery). Treatment can take as little as 30 minutes under local anesthesia with patients able to walk-out & return home a short while after.

Price: starting £1.600 per body area